Michael O’Meara is posting at counter-currents.com


Ireland’s brave rebels are best seen against a European backdrop.

At its center was the Sorelian myth of violence, imagining the overthrow of Cromwell’s cursed regime.

This myth of violence was no ideology, but a Nietzschean assertion of will.

Its dreamscape was the apocalyptic catastrophe in which all things became possible.

Its promised violence wasn’t aimless or nihilistic, like that of a Negro hoodlum, but soteriological, seeking the salvation of man’s soul in a world made especially evil by the efficacy of science and reason.


Violence here — in the mythic context of Pearse’s imagination and in the social-political world of late 19th-century, early 20th-century Europe — became “a path to a new faith” — a path that ran over the ruins of modernity, as it endeavored to redeem it.

The Irish cosmological view, in Patrick O’Farrell’s study, perceived England as a secular, unethical, money-grubbing power that had “violated” Caithlin Ni Houlihan — the Old Woman of Beare, Roisin Dubb, Shan Van Vocht, Deidre of the Sorrows, Queen Sive, and all the feminine symbols personifying Ireland’s perennial spirit.

In such a cosmology, national liberation was eschatological, millennarian, and, above all, mythic.

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